The Calvinist View on Eternal Security

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A New Year’s resolution dealing with someone’s health is the major contributor to the number of gym memberships purchased in January. But the gym never gives free memberships to the individuals who are overweight and unhealthy. Nor does the gym allow individuals to continue using the gym with a one-time purchase. In order to attain a gym membership, individuals have to pay a flat rate for every year he or she wants to be a member. The gift of salvation is a totally different experience then a gym or club membership. For one thing salvation is a gift. No one has to do anything for eternal life; Christ took care of it all on the cross. Although this part of theology is not a debate between the Calvinists and the Arminianists, the matter of eternal security is. This paper will present to views on eternal security, perseverance of the saints and conditional perseverance. I will then conclude, with scripture, what view I believe to be true.
The Calvinist view on eternal security is, “All those who respond will preserve in the faith” (Wright). When God sent Jesus to die for the sins of the world, the payment of death was fully satisfied (Chafer, Walvoord 225). Jesus Christ lived a perfect life, He was the spotless lamb. Therefore, “the work of Chris was perfect” (Chafer, Walvoord 226). The Calvinists believe that because Christ was perfect and because He was the only satisfying sacrifice, Christ bore all the sins on Himself. Christ didn’t just die for the first one hundred sins a believer would- commit, He paid for all of them (Chafer, Walvoord 225). The Calvinists also hold to the fact that because our salvation rest solely on His sacrifice and is not the work of the believer, “all condemnation is forever removed”, Romans 8:1 (Chafer,...

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...orary it’s hard to imagine something that will last forever. But, I believe when Christ was on the cross and He said, “Is is finished...” (John 19:30) He truly meant it. Once an individual accepts Christ as his or her Savior he or she is His child for all eternity.

Works Cited

Chafer, Lewis Sperry, and John F. Walvoord. Major Bible Themes; 52 Vital Doctrines of the Scripture Simplified and Explained. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Pub. House, 1974. Print.
"Classical Arminian." Conditional Perseverance Briefly Defended ~. N.p., 04 Feb. 2014. Web. 31 Mar. 2014.
"The Doctrine of Perseverance." HubPages. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2014.
"The Doctrine of Perseverance." HubPages. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2014.
Gromacki, Robert Glenn. Salvation Is Forever. Chicago: Moody, 1973. Print.
Wright, David. “Soteriology”. First Baptist Christian School, Elyria. March 2014. Lecture

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