The Call to Adventure in Fight Club, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and The Picture of Dorian Grey

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The Call to Adventure in Fight Club, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde & The picture of Dorian Gray
Within all of us is a good and a dark side, and it is our own decisions which shape whether we adhere to societal norms and accepted behavior or indulge in unsavory practices. However, in order for a hero or villain to fulfill their destiny, they must be called into action by a herald. The herald is a person or piece of information that upsets the equilibrium in which the hero lives and forces him into action. The herald can be a person, as in the case of Tyler Durden in Fight Club, and Mr. Hyde in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde or a piece of information in the case of the yellow book in the Picture of Dorian Gray. While the calls to adventure in these three novels may be different, they share one key similarity, the hero called into action has an evil side that they may or may not be aware of.
In Fight Club, Tyler Durden is a mysterious stranger who the unnamed narrator meets while on a plane ride. Tyler espouses a theory of independence from modern society and the corporations that the Narrator works for. The Narrator is beguiled by Tyler’s lifestyle of freedom and irresponsibility and eventually joins him when his apartment is eventually burned down in a freak accident. Together, they begin the titular Fight Club as a means of empowering themselves in a society that they feel has robbed them of their masculinity. In this way, Tyler plays the role of the herald in the Narrator’s journey, he instills a philosophy in the Narrator that eventually brings about a fundamental change in his character and leads to him growing as a person. However, Tyler is not all that he seems, he is in fact a figment of the Narrat...

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