Bullying in Britain Today

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Bullying in Britain Today

Since the time of the Neanderthals, aggressive and violent behaviour

has been a human trait. In the past, this has channelled into wars,

for example, the English Civil war, caused partly by demanding money

from people in the form of taxes, and burning peoples property, which

is similar to playground bullying. It is possible to class tyrants as

a form of bullying, causing unhappiness like bullies, just on a larger

scale. Saddam Hussain is an example of forcing people to suffer and

live in fear.

In the past twenty years, the number of bullying incidents has

increased. Research shows that up to 75% of people are bullied at some

time in their life, showing something must be done. People can be

bullied at home, school, college, work or even at the football pitch.

In order for us to fully understand bullying, an explanation of the

different types should give us some clarity. Verbal, physical,

emotional and psychological are all types of bullying. Verbal involves

calling the victim offensive names, physical involves pushing them

around or 'beating them up,'emotional bullying can include verbal

bullying, and picking on the victim's weaknesses, for example

insulting their family. Psychological bullying can involve all of the

above, and agitating the victim until they cannot cope with it any


Likewise, video examples of recent case histories on a BBC programme

on bullying will show personal experiences. The case histories in the

BBC's '40 minutes' documentary included Sayyed, Simon, Sarah and

Steven. Sayyed experienced racial bullying, due to his Asian

background. He was attacked just outside his school gates, yet the

school refused to take responsibility for the bullying, so Sayyed's

mother contacted the police, who just laughed. If the authorities

refuse to take bullying seriously, there is no way bullies will stop.

Another consequence of bullying can be a change of lifestyle for the

whole family. This happened to Simon, his family had to move house to

escape the emotional harm it was doing to him and his family.

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