Bully, Bully, Bully

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During the summer of 2012, I attended an ADVANCE program, where I met a girl named Sarah. She was a couple years older than me, and it was my first time staying away from my family for a long amount of time. Meeting Sarah was, at first, a postitive thing because I had a roommate who knew more about the progam since she had been to NSU before, and she knew how everything worked. She was also taking the same class I was so I saw her quite often, and it was easy to get to know her because I was sharing a dorm room with her for the three weeks we attended. In the begining I didn't realize what kind of person Sarah was. When I got to know her a bit better, I noticed that there were some stange things about Sarah. She would dramatically change her mind on some matters, going from hot to cold, pissed off to cheery. I recall on an ocassion in particular that she got exceedingly mad at one of the girls who roomed across from us. She even went so far as to spread nasty rumors and trash her room. A couple days after everything had happened, and she had sworn that she would never speak to Nona, the main girl she was feuding with, they randomly started hanging out again. They hadn't spoken much outside of their arguement, but I let their sudden reacceptance of each other go. It wasn't my business at the time. Suddenly, it became my business because the worst one of the mood swings was probably when she got mad at me. Seeing as I didn't make friends easily, especially with only the three week period that was ADVANCE, she was my best friend there. It started with small things. She might have forgotten to wake me up one morning, or accidently knocked stuff off my table. My stuff wouldnt be where I left it, or my thing were clearly messed with.... ... middle of paper ... ...tal. One morning in August, about a month after ADVANCE, Sarah killed herself. Unfortuantely, I really don't think that many people cared. I don't think enough people cared at all, and even though I never really knew Sarah all that well, and although I didn't like her that much I think she deserved alot more than her mother finding her dead body on a hot morning. Sarah means alot to me now. I don't talk about her all that much, and I try not to think about her all the time. When, I do though, I like to think of her and the way that she influenced alot of my views on people. She taught me quite a bit about myself and not all of it makes me feel good about who I am, but I'm changing. I'll become a better person because of a bully named Sarah. I think that she deserved just a bit more than all of us forgetting her name, and hating her simply because she was a bully.

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