Bulimia Nervosa

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So you have been diagnosed with Bulimia Nervosa? Well let’s take a closer look at what that really means. I am sure you have all kinds of emotions running through you at this point and many questions. If you take the time to calm down and breathe, things will get better. You have a fighting chance to beat Bulimia Nervosa and reading this is a good start. This article will show you everything you need to know and learn to conquer this disorder; such as, what the signs are,what it means to have the disorder, the phenomenology, the epidemiology, the causes, the treatments, and of course how to overcome and survive the disorder.
What Is Bulimia Nervosa?
Bulimia Nervous, as defined by the National Eating Disorders Association, is a serious, potentially life-threatening eating disorder characterized by a cycle of bingeing and compensatory behaviors such as self-induced vomiting. It affects 1 - 2 percent of the adolescents and young adults. About 80 percent of the people it affects are female. Many people struggling with Bulimia Nervous also struggle with depression and social phobias. The disorder is often shortened from Bulimia Nervosa to just Bulimia. Many people do not understand the severity of the Eating Disorder (ED) at hand. Many people will brush it off as if the sufferer is just wanting attention. What many people do not understand is that, the sufferer has a warped body image and they are suffering mentally and physically with this disorder. Having Bulimia, you binge, and eat your desired food, then you realize the mass of intake and you purge, either through vomiting, exercise, or laxatives. This vicious cycle is a sensation and becomes very addictive which leads the person to the severe disorder of Bulimia Ne...

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Mayo Clinic (13, July 13). Bulimia nervosa. Retrieved from http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/ bulimia/DS00607
Nicoletta C Skoufalos, "The development of Bulimia Nervosa: A psychological phenomenological analysis" (January 1, 2010). ETD Collection for Fordham University. Paper AAI3438468.
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