Bulimia Nervosa: Meg's Story

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Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia is one of the many eating disorders found among Americas today. People with eating disorders, such as bulimia or anorexia, spend every day locked inside the mindset that they are fat. Someone with bulimia nervosa eats as much food as they can in one sitting and then purges the food they just consumed. Purging can be many things; for example forced vomiting, the use of laxatives, also over exercising can be a form of purging. People purge to get rid of the excess calories or fat after they consume large amounts of food. Binging and purging are often successfully hidden by bulimics for many years because the individual maintains a normal body weight or at least close to normal.

On the outside Meg probably looks like a normal person she is a law school graduate she has a beautiful child and a loving husband. But on the inside Meg has been a bulimic on and off since she was 14 years old. Meg has been dealing with serious emotional stress most of her life and when she gets stressed she uses food to cope with that stress. The guilt of eating the food o...

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