Brief Biography of Samuel Clemens, A.K.A: Mark Twain

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The story is about the childhood of one of the most famous American writer, Mark Twain, who is also known as the name Sammy. At the beginning of the story, Sammy was with his family on the trip from Salt River to Florida for making a house-rising. It was really a big work picnic. The women took along great baskets of food while the men rolled logs and built the new house. On the following days, his mom brought her children to Uncle John’s store for buying new clothes. Sammy seemed disappointed with the dark calico his mom chose. Therefore, he began to cry and forced her to choose the bright striped fabric. Finally, they showed up in the party as a handsomest and brightest of all as his mom agreed with him. On the way, Clemens’ family had new members which was the new kittens. Sammy and Margaret chose to give them Bible names “here’s Peter and there’s Paul”, “this one is Simon”, “that one over there shall be called Methuselah, who live so long”. While crossing the river in the steam boat. Sammy was really angry because the bad treatments of the slave owners to their own slaves. Sammy reached Bear Creek after that. Unfortunately, he fell to the river while trying to shoot a frog. As luck would have it, some slave boys in a boat came by before Sammy fell back into the river and save him. They soon became friends together and enjoyed talking together. Sammy didn’t have good day at school he was spanked by his teacher. Therefore his mother decided never send him to Mrs. Horr’s school again. In summer, Sammy was sent to Uncle John to live. He learn a lot during summer through Bible stories that Aunt Hanna told him every night. The Clemens’ new house was now finished. Sammy also had a new beautiful new neighbor, Laura, who dreamed to be ...

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...and became a famous American writer. A kid who never had full academic about poem or any kind of literature became a famous kid by never giving up his dream. Besides the lessons, the author described really deeply about Mark Twain characteristics, which show us a deeply understanding about Mark Twain. The story shows us how diligence Sammy was. Even when he was twenty years old. He still learning. His steamboat experience taught him how to remember and keep careful notes. His reading gave him a great knowledge of history and poetry. Working on different wallpaper taught him to report what’s happenings. The book also show use about what Mark Twain interested in when he was young, but some of them didn’t have any clue to prove it. The book was really useful for biography. Moreover, by using simple words, it’s useful for children to learn more about history and poetry.

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