Biography Of Mary Wollstonecraft

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Mary Wollstonecraft was not only a figure during the Enlightenment, but one of the famous

pioneers for the feminist cause. She would inspire women during the 18th century as well as women of

the future with her novels such as The Vindication of the Rights of Women and The Vindication of the

Rights of Man. She was a true believer that education for women would not only allow women to

develop as humans but also to be independent from men. In a time where women were subordinate to

men, Mary stood for her beliefs and preached for equality. Thus, Wollstonecraft's beliefs in equality for

women would shape the future for women of the world.

Mary Wollstonecraft was born on April 27th 1759 in London to an abusive, squandering father,

Edward Wollstonecraft, and Elizabeth Dixon. The second of seven children, she and her family would

frequently move. But in Yorkshire she meets clergyman Mr. Clare, which whom she starts to develop

intellectually. She would go on to be a lady's maid, governess, teacher, translator, and writer throughout

her life. She longed to live an independent life, but struggled to earn a living wage with the jobs she

had and the fact she lived in a world where women were to become obedient wives. Mary's sister,

Eliza, was supposedly deranged from her difficult birth to her daughter and the abuse of her husband.

So, Mary convinced Eliza to leave her husband and baby. The sisters would then start a school with

Mary's beloved friend, Fanny Blood. When Fanny dies in Mary's arms from complications during child

birth, Mary returns to the school to find that it suffered during her absence with Fanny. Mary then

closes the school and writes Thoughts on the Education of Daughters. She then goes on to become a...

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...available to everyone. Mary Wollstonecraft achieved much

in her life, but most importantly she inspired other women to be independent and to improve their lives.

Mary lived a life a scandal during her time. Not only did she have children out of wedlock, but she was

firm in her belief that she did not need to dedicate her life to another man just because it was the social

norm. She was an advocate for education and equality because of the hardships she experienced in her

life struggling to survive.

Mary Wollstonecraft's achievements of inspiring women during her time and of the future

as well as her support of education for women to grow not only intellectually but independently make

her an inspiring figure during the Enlightenment. Thus, Mary Wollstonecraft's contribution to the

Enlightenment was radical and inspiring to future generations of women.

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