Brave New World

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Aldous Huxley proposes the dangers of government control in the future that combines with an obsession with technology to completely control society in his novel Brave New World. Huxley tells a story about a future society living in London, England where pleasure and technological progress take priority and Henry Ford is honored as a god. The novel is written in a detached but omniscient voice that reveals the subconscious of its characters and contributes to the theme of the novel. The benevolent totalitarian state rules over its genetically engineered population by providing pleasure and conditioning the masses. The dystopia Aldous Huxley created can be compared to Charles Dickens’ Coketown in Hard Times, as the novels have similar themes of utilitarianism. In this Brave New World, human beings are machines made in factories to serve the state and ensure stability and progress.

The theme of the novel is introduced within the first paragraph of the first chapter with, “A squat grey building of over thirty-four stories. Over the main entrance the words, “Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre, and in a shield, the World State’s motto, Community, Identity, Stability” (Huxley 3). Huxley has already set up his dystopia with the bleak description of London’s most important factory for creating humans, as well as revealing the goals of the world, which is now simply one State. The first chapters of the book serve to describe the specifics of the genetic engineering of the new world, as well as introduce important characters such as the Director, Lenina Crowne, Mustapha Mond, and Bernard Marx. These chapters also explain the Bokanovsky process of birth,“ a bokanovskied egg will bud, will proliferate, will divide. From...

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... World delivers a message about the future and the danger of technological progress. The citizens of Huxley’s world are simply parts of a machine, embodied by their worship of an assembly line creator, their devotion to their roles in life, and the conditioning they underwent as infants. The human beings in Brave New World were not born; they were invented. The individual must function for the welfare of the State. Without the proper cooperation of every part, the machine fails. “The machine turns, turns and must keep turning- forever. It is death if it stands still” (Huxley 42).

Works Cited

Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. 1st Ed. New York: Harper Perennial, 1932.

Dickens, Charles. Hard Times. Wordsworth Editions, 1995.

Kass, Leon R. "Aldous Huxley." Leader U. N.p., 2000. Web. 9 Apr 2012. .

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