Borderline Personality Disorder

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What is the disease known as borderline personality disorder? It is said to be one of the most misunderstood diseases. According to John Grohol, Borderline personality disorder, or BPD, is a pervasive pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image and emotions. (John M. Grohol, 2010) Those that are inflicted have little control over their emotions, are likely to exhibit destructive behaviors, and tend to have low self-esteem. They are also highly impulsive and have difficulties with limitations. It is characterized by recurrent impulsivity, mood changes, and relationship difficulties, BPD may include unstable identity, paranoia, fear of abandonment, and suicidal behavior. According to Porr, Princess Diana is an example of a well-known person so diagnosed. (Porr, 2010) The diagnosis of this disease usually takes place in early adulthood but often symptoms and warning signs are seen during one’s adolescent years. Although some of the symptoms may be controlled with medication, there is no cure and this illness tends to coexist with many other illnesses. It’s not uncommon to have to deal with shoplifting, gambling, excessive spending, promiscuity, lack of impulse control, drug or alcohol abuse, overeating and binging or physically self-damaging actions such as disfigurements and suicide attempts. According to Lisa Kift, one BPD victim stated, “The searing, flesh-ripping agony of having to live within my own skin” (Lisa Brookes Kift, 2009). Relationships with individuals with BPD are very difficult. Kristalyn Salters- Pedneault stated “Watching a loved one with BPD suffer, and dealing with very difficult relationship symptoms of BPD, are extraordinarily stressful for family members. Family members often feel he... ... middle of paper ... ...sych Central. Retrieved December 1, 2011 Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, P. (2010, april 30). Life in the BPD Family. Retrieved november 28, 2011, from Lisa Brookes Kift, M. (2009, december 9). Borderline Personality Disorder: A Survivor’s Story. Retrieved december 1, 2011, from the tool box: Mitchell, S. (2011, October 27). Living with Someone with borderline personality disorder. (s. chenevert, Interviewer) Porr, V. (2010). OVERCOMING Borderline Personality Disorder: A Family Guide for Healing & Change (Book). Washington, DC: Oxford University Press, Incorporated. Whitehouse, L. (2011, November 29). Living with someone with BPD. (S. Chenevert, Interviewer)

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