Bodybuilding Injury Prevention

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Bodybuilding has been around a long time, so it makes sense that a few go-to exercises have made their place in the gym. But, today, we have the technology and expertise to avoid what actually hurts us and adjust to what works best. Here is a list of the major back and joint killers everyone does, but shouldn't.


The weight is based at your ankles, so the torque applied to your knees is significantly higher than what you're really lifting and causes undue stress on your joints and tendons.

Instead: Reverse lunges keep the weight placed on your muscles and does not transfer to the joints(this is the problem with machine exercises in general).


This is a highly controversial subject, so I'll refer to a legitimate world-wide accepted pro.

"After a certain point, your lower back doesn't allow you to transfer force to your bottom half... it's the weak link, stopping your lower-body muscles from producing maximum work capability." - Mike Boyle - world renowned strength coach and Men's Health training advisor.

Instead: Highly recommended in place of bac...

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