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1984 In the novel, 1984 by George Orwell, everything is being controlled by the government, everything from sleeping to talking to eating and as well as one of the most important need for human being, sex. All of this are very essential part of human life without which our life will not be possible. It will be like a tree without any leaves. It will still be there but it will have no importance or any real meaning. Winston life is like a tree, a tree without any purpose. Along with Winston, there are many other people who are controlled by the government. They do whatever the government tells them to do, they believe whatever the government says is true; they eat whatever the government makes them eat. The government does that by telescreens, re-written of history and most importantly by showing them fear.. If you have a very strict and careful supervision all the times then you are less likely to do things that will be bad or be declared as a crime. Everything is being controlled by the government and they use a device called telescreens to do it. It seems like the government is watching you all the time. For example, one morning when Winston is doing his daily jerks, the lady from the telescreens tells him that he is not working hard enough and shows him how to do it so it’s more effective. This is one of the main reason why they have so much power over you because they are watching you all the time. They even have it on the bedrooms, the roads, and hallways and even at where you work. You are being watched all the time so even if you do something wrong the government can come and get you right away. That is one of the main reason why the government has so much control is because they have an eye on you all the time. They ev... ... middle of paper ... ...ightmare comes to reality. This is one of a very effective way on how people control their citizens. Everybody seems to know about Room 101 and they all know that that is the worst place someone can be. The government does things that will torture you, hut you and slowly puts you to death. This is one of the effective way that they make you believe of something. For example, they made Winston believe that 2+2=5 and until he believed that, he was put into torture and hurt. This is one of the very effective way because if you are put into fear then you could do anything. Therefore, this was one of the ways the government controlled the people. Therefore the government controlled the citizens of the place by using various method of torture, harm and keeping an very close eye on them. When you are put into certain conditions, you will anything someone tells you to do.

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