The Blame of Cheryl´s Life Choices

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The topic of this essay is to discuss who is to blame for the outcome of Cheryl’s life. Cheryl made many bad choices in her life. First, she chose to be an alcoholic. It was not the alcohol’s fault, but hers for going to parties and bars to drink the alcohol. Second, she chose to stay in a relationship with Mark. Mark made her life miserable even though she loved him and she did not leave him as she could have. Third, she could have prevented the marriage between April and Bob by convincing April not to marry him. This would have allowed April to stay in Winnipeg to keep an eye on her. For these reasons, Cheryl is to blame for the outcome of her life because of her choices.

Cheryl felt lonely and depressed and chose to start drinking. She could have found herself another way out by making a better effort to get help, but instead she became an alcoholic. This caused her a lot of trouble, including the fact that she met unsavory people at the bars and parties, where alcohol is served. Some of these people were buying her drinks to woo her. “Already we got suckers to pay for our drinks.”(page 180) This was written in Cheryl’s diary. There were many bad influences at these places, including her boyfriend, Mark. He caused a lot depression in Cheryl’s life. Alcohol also drove Cheryl to punch April, which caused Cheryl to run away from the house thinking that April would never forgive her. Cheryl was drunk at the time and would not have done this if she had not been drinking. Another reason alcohol led to Cheryl’s death is when Mark beats Cheryl. Both Cheryl and Mark were drunk that night. This may not have been a very big factor leading to Cheryl’s death, but it did depress her a little more, bringing her one step closer to her ...

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...age, April would not have felt used as she did. She felt used by Bob because he did in fact use her as vengeance towards his mother. This made April very unhappy, and this sorrow was transmitted to Cheryl, as she felt bad for April. Cheryl could have had talked April into not marrying Bob, or even do something harsh like ripping her plane ticket. She may not have thought of this possibility, but if would have thought about all the bad things that could have happened and did happen, it would not have been a bad idea.

Due to series of unfortunate events that occurred in Cheryl’s life, she hit rock bottom as she ended her life in a way no one wants theirs to end, which is to commit suicide. Had she had more support and better influences in her life, but mostly if she had made better choices in her early adulthood, she perhaps would have lived a much happier life.

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