Black and Minority Ethic Groups and the Justice System

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1. Why do Black and Minority Ethnic young people experience differential treatment in the Youth Justice System?

This essay will explore whether there is equality in the criminal justice system. It aims to look at statistics, legislation and studies from the past 30-40 years to get a thorough analysis of the processes and experiences different races in particular black and ethnic minority youths have been through within the criminal justice system.

There have been various alterations to the definition of “Black”. In the USA Frederickson (1987) Illustrated in 1705, the state of Virginia boldly declared any child, grandmother, grandfather, grandchild of a Negro, would be deemed as a Negro. Consequently, in 1866, Virginia stated any individual with one fourth of Negro heritage should be deemed as a “coloured person”. This percentage was altered again in 1910; Individuals with one sixteenth of Negro blood would be classified as black. The last amendment was made in 1924 with the implementation of the Racial Black Purity Act; however the previous percentages were eradicated and a penultimate decision was made: a black person is any one person with black Ancestry. This definition was often referred to as the “One drop” rule. However, the act was seen as problematic, as it became apparent not all individuals` knew or had the resources to access or trace their Ancestry roots.

The term Black and Minority ethnic (BME), is now widely used. BME was mainly used to prescribe people with colour (dominantly black), usually of Caribbean, African, or Asian descent (Somerville & Steele, 2002) .(BME) communities are comprised of people from different “national backgrounds and ethnicities “ living within the UK (Casey & B...

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