Advertising In The Millennial Generation

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Sexualized advertisement has not only affected the behavior – the socializing, interaction, and self-images the Millennial generation has – but has also affected the values of the generation more negatively than positively. Sexualized advertisements have weakened the more traditional, family-taught values, such as love and honesty that were evident in previous generations and have strengthened negative ideals, such as gender stereotyping. The “power of sexual innuendo” has corrupted values that were internalized in preceding generations (Van Praet). Much of this stems from the previously mentioned artificiality promoted by sexualized advertisements. In the case of the value of love, the Millennial generation’s inclination toward insincerity has undermined much of the significance that this value is supposed to carry. When I think of love, I think of sincere fellowship with another person, an unending and meaningful element key to any

relationship, platonic or otherwise. However, the effect that sexualized advertisement has had on the Millennial generation’s ability to be sincere has blemished this. Acts of love are tainted and do not carry as much weight as they used to. Even compliments have a taint of insincerity. In …show more content…

Because of lack of knowledge or simply lack of diligence, the Millennial generation is experiencing an epidemic, with new types of sexually transmitted diseases developing from preexisting ones because of the amount of sexual relations occurring in young adults who were introduced to ideas of sex by a model in a burger commercial. The frequency of sexual advertisements has not only deadened the Millennial generation to intimacies and the immorality of perversity, but has learned about sexual attitudes through advertisements that promote rampant and unhealthy

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