Biology: What´s a Chromosomal Mutation?

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A mutation is a change in DNA. An organism's DNA affects how it looks and how it behaves. It can be any change in the gene sequence. We as christians do realize that genes do change over time. The way that our DNA can be changed is by multiple reasons, U.V. hitting it , radiation hitting or even replication mistakes. There are different kinds of mutations and We will talk about them later on in the paper. Before researching the topic of mutations my initial thought right off the back is, some kind of gross abnormally growing on or in creatures of this world (notes, american).
One kind of Mutation is a gene mutation, where only one gene is affected. However scientists and other people use the word gene to refer to two different things, it is either a piece of DNA that codes for a protein or a specific trait. Sometimes in these situations the amino acid is not even affected.These mutations can happen two ways, they can be inherited from a parent or could occur during the person’s lifetime. Types of gene mutations are insertion and deletion, which is when the reading frame is shifted...

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