Biography: Saint Philomena

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St. Philomena was born on January 10th, 291 in Greece. St. Philomena’s name in latin is Filialuminis which means daughter of light. St. Philomena’s parents were both royal from a small state in Greece. St. Philomena did not have any siblings. When she was thirteen years old, Philomena was forced in marriage with Emperor Diocletian. “My virginity, which I have vowed to God, comes before everything, before you, before my country. My kingdom is Heaven.” St. Philomena rejected the emperor because she made a promise to herself that her virginity belonged to God. Because St. Philomena would not accept his hand in marriage, he forced guards to unclothe her and whip her. Thinking her wounds were irreparable, the guards chained her up in a dungeon, assuming she would slowly die. Philomena recovered with the help of an angel. When the emperor tried threatening her, she still refused to marry him. This time, the emperor instructed the guards to wrap a chain attached to an anchor around her neck and drown her in the Tiber River. Two angels were sent to rescue St. Philomena. When she rose from the river, she was dry and unharmed, however, she was accused of using mysterious non-verisimilitude powers. After this incident, people who watched were astonished and began accepting Christianity. The emperor then ordered his men to shoot arrows at her. Instead of Philomena being killed, the bowmen were killed because the arrows shot right back to them. She was once again accused of using magical powers. Since the emperor was exhausted from his multiple false attempts of killing her, she was beheaded. She was killed at three in the afternoon, the same time as Jesus. The day of her death was August 10, 304 at the age of thirteen in Rome, Italy. St. Phil...

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...r God, without wanting anything in return.

Works Cited

"St. Philomena." Catholic Online . Catholic Online. Web. 2 Feb 2014. .

"St. Philomena, Patroness and Protectress of the Living Rosary." Universal Living Rosary Association. Universal Living Rosary Association. Web. February 2 2014. .

"St. Philomena Virgin & Martyr." . Catholic Web Host. Web. 2 Feb 2014. .

"St. Philomena Virgin & Martyr." The Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary . Foundation Marypages . Web. 2 Feb 2014. .

"THE LIFE AND MIRACLES OF SAINT PHILOMENA, VIRGIN AND MARTYR." Saints' Books. Saints' Books. Web. 2 Feb 2014. .

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