Biography of Theodore Roosevelt

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The definition of progressive is a reformer who wanted to improve American life. Teddy Roosevelt was a progressive president in terms of his stance on business, foreign policy, and preservation because he has shaped the modern presidency by being a trustbuster, getting involved with foreign affairs, and preserving wildlife.
In terms of business, Theodore Roosevelt was progressive. As he was coming into office in 1901, he faced an America with a rapidly growing population, and urbanization. There were many problems that came with having more people and more business. Teddy Roosevelt believed that he needed to work for social justice, and economic regulation through the government. He believed that big business was a part of a healthy economy, and he didn’t want to abolish it, but he also believed that business needed to be regulated to preserve the peoples welfare and to prevent socialism. Former presidents had rarely used the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, and if they did, it was against labor unions. Roosevelt used the Sherman Anti-Trust Act in a way that benefited the Common Joe. In 1902 the Department of Justice issued a lawsuit against the Northern Security Company, which was four different railroads combining. It violated the Sherman Anti-Trust Act because it was a monopoly. In 1904, the US Supreme Court ruled that the monopoly be dismantled. During this ordeal, the stock market crashed, but overall the nation was pleased that the president has succeeded. He also regulated railroad corruption by introducing the Hepburn Act, which enhanced the powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Senators who opposed the Act tried to make the ICC powerless. Roosevelt brought the case directly to the people, who pressured the senators into p...

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...evelt was a progressive president in his presidency from 1901-1909 because even with his big ego, and the pressure of the growing corruption, he managed to make decisions that were for the good of the people, and not for the good of himself. He shaped the modern presidency and set an excellent example of how to break through the political corruption and really make a good difference. Theodore Roosevelt is a truly inspiring president whose progressive values made America what it is today.

Works Cited

"Miller Center." American President: Theodore Roosevelt: Domestic Affairs. University of Virginia, n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2013.
"Miller Center." American President: Theodore Roosevelt: Foreign Affairs. University of Virginia, n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2013.
"Miller Center." American President: Theodore Roosevelt: Impact and Legacy. University of Virginia, n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2013.

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