The Big Picture: Policy Design Analysis

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The Big Picture: Policy Design Analysis
Developing a policy is something that takes concession, adjustments and renovation throughout the process. Policy makers must keep this in mind when trying to address a need in society and how they can address such need through regulatory policy making. Policy makers must keep in mind what additional problems may come into play when designing this policy, what is too strict of a punishment for not abiding by this policy and who will the policy directly affect and how to address their problems individually. As a policy maker they must address the issue looking at the big picture then narrow down the small issues that must be resolved throughout. This is not a onetime shot kind of things policy must be constantly renovated to create the most operative policy that can be made. Which is why policy design is such a pressing topic in the policy makers today.
In regulative policy, it lays out the provisions for the regulators or policy makers and the regulated or constituency. This discourse explains the rules, obligations, problems and solutions that both actors are responsible to enforce and enact. First, the policy makers must decide what should be regulated in the policy and what should not. Throughout this process there can also be provisions made to better the policy along the way. During this process they must discuss the outcome of what this policy will bring. In addition, address issues and find solutions to the problems that may occur. Furthermore, the policy maker must decide on how strict the guidelines must be followed by the entity. Lastly, they encounter the question of how detailed the policy should be for what it is trying to enforce? The ultimate goal is to alter a behavior in...

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...des us with and analytical processes before the policy is assembled. Most importantly design policy keeps in mind the social construction of reality, this means keeping in mind rules, cultures, norms, businesses and identities of its constituency. It looks at the population that will be affected and into how it will social change the norms and reality they experience everyday to create a successful policy.

Works Cited
Koski, Chris. "Regulatory Choices: Analyzing State Policy Design." Law & Policy 29.4 (2007): 408+. Web. 20 Mar. 2014.
Schneider, Anne, and Mara Sidney. "What Is Next for Policy Design and Social Construction Theory?" Political Studies Journal 1st ser. 37 (2009): 103-19. Web. 30 Mar. 2014.
Strach, Patricia. "Making Higher Education Affordable: Policy Design in Postwar America." The Journal of Policy History 21.1 (2009): n. pag. Web. 20 Mar. 2014.

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