Biblical Themes Within the Harry Potter Series

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"The mind is not a book, to be opened at will and examined at leisure. Thoughts are not etched on the inside of skulls, to be perused by an invader. The mind is a complex and many-layered thing." (Severus Snape, Book five.) The book series entitled 'Harry Potter' has Biblical themes hidden beneath all of the spells, charms, and enchantments. Harry Potter, in my own opinion, is very Christ like and I feel like the book series could be looked at like a modernized version of the bible. He resembles Jesus Christ in multiple ways. J.K Rowling has subtly featured religious symbolism in her books such as, Harry dying for the wizarding world much like Jesus died willingly for our sins. After they died, they were both resurrected. Fawkes, the Phoenix is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, and Harry and Jesus both knew sacrifice and selflessness. Also, both men have taken so much pain and suffering for the people they loved. Every character in the Harry Potter Series seems to resemble a person from the bible.
Harry Potter died for the wizarding world much like Jesus Christ died willingly for our sins. After they died, they were resurrected by a father figure. Harry was resurrected by Albus Dumbledore in a way. After Voldemort tried to murder him a second time using the killing curse Harry went into a dream state where he met with Dumbledore who gave him a choice to live or die. Jesus and Harry are more alike than people think. It's not just because they both died for the people around them. Jesus Christ stripped the devil of his powers just like Harry stripped Voldemort of his. They both saw the enemy, stood up to them and they conquered.
Fawkes, the Phoenix is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Fawkes has saved Harry and Dumbledore from death. When Har...

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...plished many great things in his life that could be construed as God-like. He was merited the Order of Merlin, first class. God is known as the defender of the weak and Dumbledore was known, before his untimely death, was known as the defender of the Muggles.
Just like Jesus, Harry Potter took a vigorous amount of pain and suffering for the people he loved. Jesus was nailed to the cross and was tortured to save all of our sins. Harry was put under the Cruciatus Curse multiple times, he was stabbed in the arm by a Basilisk fang, was attacked by a trolls, Dementors, Death Eaters, Dragons, Grindylows, Professors, Inferi, etc.
Although Harry Potter and Jesus Christ are two very different people, they have a lot of things in common. Also, the book series and the holy bible are two very different works of literature; they have an abundance of comparable themes/features.

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