Biblical Basis for Jesus’ Humanity

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The Biblical Basis for Jesus’ humanity can be seen in several places in Scripture. We see in John 1:14 “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” This verse stated that God came down in human form. It is also recorded that Jesus was weary, and had to sit down to drink from a well (John4: 6). This shows that Jesus was just like you and me and had human nature. We can also see the humanity of Jesus through his human birth, growing and death. Jesus was made in a virgin’s womb and was born into the world as a baby (Isaiah 7:14). From Childhood Jesus had to grow mentally and spiritually (Luke 2:52). Jesus experienced hunger, anxiety, and disappointment (Mark 14:33). Jesus experienced the life as a human just like you and I to become our example of how to live.
The Biblical basis for His deity in seen in the bible as well. The Deity of Jesus is considered critical guideline and is an important belief within Christianity. This guideline arrests that Jesus Christ was and is God incarnate. In Colossians Paul states, “the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily” (Col. 2:9) The Christian meaning of the statement “deity of Christ” is honestly clear. As Christians this means that God and Christ are one like stated in John 10:30. The hypostatic union us used to describes how God the Son, Jesus, took on a human nature, yet remained fully God at the same time. These two natures, human and divine, are united. Jesus sometime operated with the restriction of being human. An example of Jesus being a human is in John 19:28 when Jesus was thirsty. At other times operated in the power of His deity. An example if this would be when he feed the five thousand. In both of these situations Jesus’ actions were from His one person. Jesus will forever be fully God and fully human.
The incarnation of Jesus was required to pay for our sins. Incarnation literally means taking on flesh. In Hebrews, It states that without the shedding of blood there is no remission (Hebrews 9:22). A blood sacrifice requires a body of flesh and blood. God sent his only begotten Son into the world to be this blood sacrifice.

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