Beowulf Is Larger Than Life Essay

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I believe our perception of a hero has changed over the years. As we grow up we develop the characteristics that make up a hero. A hero is someone that we look up to. I believe an epic hero is someone that is very brave and does something extraordinary. Modern day heroes risk their own lives to help others. Everyone wants to be a hero but being a hero is not an easy role. What makes Beowulf larger than life is being the strongest warrior around. Beowulf might be arrogant but he proves it in many ways through his actions. Beowulf fights Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and a rather large fire-breathing dragon. Also Beowulf uses a sword to slay Grendel’s mother that is unusable by humans. During the battle, Beowulf showed his strength as he fought …show more content…

A police officer’s duty is to protect and serve their community. They also hold high standards for themselves. I believe the most valuable trait a police officer holds is integrity. This must be maintained because they are in a position of trust. Police officers are also very professional in what they do. They are always looking out for everyone to ensure their safety. I believe that strength and muscles make a police officer larger than life. It is the morals that they must uphold. This is what separates police officers from …show more content…

Police officers encounter many chases throughout their careers. High speed chases are the most common. They risk their lives in order to stop the criminals before they endanger someone else’s life. Road blocks are used to crack down on drunk driving, drug users, and also driving without a license or insurance. It is a police officer’s job to insure that each victim, witness, and criminals deserve to be treated with respect and compassion. Police officers travel everyday to serve and protect their communities. They must also work together with their fellow officers. This requires a lot of cooperation. All these characteristics are critical to be successful in law enforcement. Beowulf and police officers are always on the move, but in many different

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