The Benefits of Meditation

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What are your thoughts, views, musings and experiences etc. regarding meditation? As we all can learn from each other when it comes to sharing ways of creating a healthy, happy and vibrant life work balance.

It is well known and proven that over time the benefits of meditating on a regular basis promotes the development of inner calmness, connectedness, focus, flow, a clear clarity of mind, a focused and more stable grounded concentration, along with coherency of thought, increased creativity, being more open and receptive to receive insights, solutions to problems and new ideas, a balanced and harmonious centred inner equilibrium, a relaxed happy body, mind and spirit, which in turn assists as a preventative tool that creates and maintains positive overall vibrant health and wellbeing.

Other key health benefits of Meditation include:
It lowers oxygen consumption.
It decreases respiratory rate.
It increases blood flow and slows the heart rate.
It increases exercise tolerance in heart patients.
It leads to a deeper level of relaxation.
It's good for people with high blood pressur...

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