The Benefits and Different Types of Meditation

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Meditation and its many forms has been used years and years for spiritual, and relaxation purposes. While the more traditional Buhdist or Tibetan monks meditate to obtain a higher spirituality or to lucid dream; meditation has also been used for both clinical populations and the general public to treat stress and stress related conditions, as well as to encourage better health. Numbers of hospitals now days offer special programs and courses in meditation to patients seeking treatments other than medication to relieve their ailments or to better their general well being. There has been a growing amount of meditation across large numbers of conditions such as chronic pains, anxiety, stress, improving heart health, boosting mood and immunity, and resolving some pregnancy problems.

There still remains an uncertainty about the differences between the many different forms of meditation such as. In the practice of Concentrative Meditation, the objective is to concentrate on a single object, such as a sound, an image, the breath, or a flame. Through the training of constantly returning concentration to the focal point, the mind develops the ability to remain calm, stabilized, and grounded. Many western meditation teachers start amateurs with this practice, most commonly focusing on the breath. In some advanced practices a state of ecstasy may be achieved.

In Open Awareness the goal is to open the mind into a wide awareness of whatever is happening without a specific focus. Often this awareness is compared to a flowing river with objects floating by or a sky with clouds . The ability to be present with whatever happens is developed through this practice.

Mindfulness is the most popular, widely used, and widely researched m...

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...hi is an ancient Chinese tradition that is practiced today as a graceful form of meditation. It involves a series of movements performed in a slow, concentrated manner often associated with deep breathing. Tai chi is also called tai chi chuan, a self paced system of gentle physical exercise and stretching. Each posture flows smoothly into the next without pause (unless it was our class, we weren't so smooth), ensuring that your body is in constant motion. Tai chi has many different styles. Each style may have its own smaller focus on various tai chi methods and principals. There are also different versions within each style. Some may focus on the maintenance of health, while others focus more on the martial arts side of tai chi. Whichever one of these meditation forms you use they all have their pros and cons. Chose whichever one you think may benefit you the most.

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