The Benefit of GMO’s in Asialand

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In this day and age, the words genetically modified are not uncommon. It seems we cannot enter a pharmacy or grocery store without reading labels that tell us of the genetically altered substance they contain. It is truly a great feat that scientist have made by discovering how to genetically modify the traits of living things. Genetically altered foods, for example, have the ability to last longer, become resistant to pesticides, increase taste, and hold more vitamins than their pre-genetically altered parents. Genetically altered foods can also help diets with vitamin deficiencies that cause many preventable diseases. One of the diseases that can be helped with introduction of vitamin supplements is childhood blindness. An estimate found on reports that about 250,000 to 500,000 children go permanently blind every year from the lack of vitamin A in their diets. Vitamin A is essential for a plethora of functions including eyesight (Tang). Many rice-consuming populations are especially vulnerable to vitamin A deficiency because regular rice does not contain vitamin A or its precursors and intake of vitamin A-containing meat is low (Tang). One way of helping decrease the vitamin A deficiencies in children of rice-consuming populations is the introduction of a genetically modified rice known as “Golden” Rice contains beta-carotene, which helps provide humans with vitamin A. This vitamin supplement produced in the rice could help to eliminate childhood blindness in these rice-consuming populations. Asialand, a small country that does not allow any genetically modified foods to be grown or sold within its borders, is one of these rice-consuming populations that would greatly benefit from the introduction of Golden Ri...

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...dhood blindness is a great concern among rice-consuming countries whose diet lacks vitamin A. The introduction of this genetically modified food could stop children’s suffering and feed hungry people. Action should be taken immediately towards making steps of change.

Works Cited

Berger, Kathleen. The Developing Person Through Childhood and Adolescence. New York: Worth Publishers, 2009. Print.

“The Golden Rice Debate.” CYFERnet. NC State University, 2009. Web. 10 Oct. 2010.

“Golden rice will reach those who need it at no additional cost.” Golden Rice. Golden Rice Humanitarian Board, 2009. Web. 10 Oct. 2010.

Sommer, Alfred. “Leaving the Chrysalis Behind.” Sight and Life Magazine Feb. 2009: 31-36. Web. 10 Oct. 2010.

Tang, G, et al. “Golden Rice is an effective source of vitamin A.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 89 (2009): 1776-83. Web. 10 Oct. 2010.

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