Belgium: Food and Sports

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“The food of Belgium is now acknowledged as among the very best in Europe, and many of its restaurants have earned all kinds of the most respected international garlands and awards” (Mason 37). When people think of Belgium, they tend to first think of waffles, chocolate, French fries, and beer. Belgium has some of the finest quality of these foods in the world. In fact, the Belgians invented the French fry, so it’s only natural they have the best. Chocolate was invented in Mesoamerica, but Belgian chocolates are renowned as the best, to the point that many “foreign chocolate makers often buy their raw materials from Belgium” (Mason 39). Being so close to France, a country known for its cuisine, Belgian food is essentially French, but chefs do have their own touches. Even the Flemish, who argue with the Wallons over anything, concede to the fact that French is the language of food. Germany also influences Belgian cooking. The saying goes that Belgians serve French food in German-sized portions. Many of the spices used in their cooking is similar to what the French use, as well as what Americans use: thyme, saffron, paprika, mint, garlic, nutmeg, parsley, chives, bay leaf, oregano, mustard, ginger, cayenne, and the list goes on (“Top” 1). Fruits and vegetables eaten in Belgium are particularly similar to what Americans tend to eat. Potatoes, onions, and carrots are the most popular vegetables in Belgium; apples are the most popular fruit (Economic 5). Being so small of a country, there really are no regional variations. Each restaurant or family may have its own recipe or style, but as a whole, the country’s cooking is the same. A liter of milk in Belgium costs about $1.21, while in the Jacksonville, it costs about $1.02. A do...

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“World War I: Belgium.” Historical Boys’ Clothing. 31 Jan. 2014. 15 March 2014.

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