Behavior Change Theories and Strategies

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To begin with,a health practisioner may fascilate behaviour change in an individual with a health

risk behaviour through the application of different behaviour change theories and strategies.

In general,health risk behaviours are actions which may threaten an individual's health causing

negative effects(Barkway,2009).Until the mid 20th century,global health threats were primarily a

result of infectious and communicable diseases.However,recently in developed countries,health

threats are now posed by diseases in which lifestyle play a role in the causation and or

management of illness.For instance,the modifiable risk factors for coronary heart disease,a

leading cause of disease burden are tobacco smoking,high blood pressure and high colesterol

level which are eventually related to health behaviour and lifestyle(Barkway,2009).

This essay will first introduce the health risk behaviour,in this case,smoking.Secondly,it will

decribes the theories or models of behaviour change, which are thecognitive and non cognitive

theories, transtheoritical model of behaviour change and motivational interwiewing.Lastly,it will

mention the different health strategies and how it aids in bringing about behaviour change

followed by the conclusion.

Jones(as cited in Jons and Creedy,2008) states that large proportion of the morbidity and

mortality associated with lifestyle diseases is preventable.It is also estimated that 25 % of all

cancer deaths and a large propotion of deaths from coronory heart disease and stroke could be

prevented by modifying just one behaviour,that is,cigratte smoking(Taylor as cited in Jons and

Creedy,2008).In addition,Allen(as cited in Jons and Creedy,2008) sta...

... middle of paper ...

... and withdrawal symptoms. Currently, bupropion (Zyban) and varenicline

(Chantix) are the only two medications that don’t contain nicotine which are approved as

smoking cessation aids. These anti-smoking pills are intended for short-term use.


To sum up,it seems that a health practisioner can fascilate behaviour change through the

understanding and application of various behaviour change theories, and different considerable

strategies.The different theories seem to educate and guide a health practisioner through the

processes of behaviour change . It is also noted that, behaviour change requires willingness or

determination from an individual with a health risk behaviour and a health practisioner's

knowledge on how and through what strategies to bring about that change to achieve the goal of

fascilating behaviour change.

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