Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver

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The book “before i fall” is a book full of changing tones. Sammy (the main character) has an important change in tone. The tone the author sets for Sammy is changing; from the beginning of the story to the end there is a big difference in tone. The tone that is set, helps create a more detailed perspective of the character.
In the beginning of the book, the author portrayed Sammy as a very rude, unthankful teenager.The tone that the author made Sammy was a very rude, popular girl. She was mean to everyone, she didn't care about the words that came out of her mouth, respectful or disrespectful. She was mean to Kent and thought he was creepy, she was dating one of the popular guys, she went to the crazy parties, and she has popular friends. She took things for granted, and didn't realise the little things she did or said affected other people majorly. “We all turn around. Juliet Sykes, or Psycho,” ( Oliver, 39). Sam doesn't know how she’s affecting Juliet by calling her whatever name it might be. Sammy doesn't care about how Juliet feels. She thinks she’s better than everyone else. “ The point is, we can do things like that. You know why? Because we’re popular. And we’re popular because we can get away with everything.”( Oliver, 17-18). In this quote, Sammy is talking about how it’s like to be popular. I think that when Sammy is talking about popularity, she is very uncaring, and is also being disrespectful to others who may not be able to afford certain items or types of things. Or even people who may not be able to have the best The tone is set when she is explaining her thoughts on topics. The way she explains whatever topic, she puts her opinion in, which is disrespectful. I think the author set the tone that way so she co...

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...I think the author chose to change the tone so she could show the readers that people can change. Also to show the readers the effect simple things or situations can have on others.
Throughout the whole story the tone the author sets is going to create the ending. Meaning that the tone that was set for Sammy in the beginning of the book, where Sammy is selfish, and disrespectful towards others, helps chose how the end of the story is going to go. Sammy affected the way Juliet felt; in the end of the book and throughout the story, Juliet refers to suicide because of the way she was treated from how Sammy was in the beginning and prior to the event, but that helps with the change in Sammy’s tone. She sees what her personality was like, and she changes it.

Works Cited

Oliver , Lauren. before i fall. 1st ed. New York: HarperCollinsPublishers, 2010. 0-468. Print.

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