Are The Colony Collapse Disorder In The Film Vanishing Of The Bee?

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Buzz Light Year... Well Not For Long

Bees have provided the types of fruits and veggies with just a simple job of pollinating from flower to flower, but without that job we wouldn’t have the types of fruits and veggies we enjoy eating anymore because of that simple job, reality check: Bees are dying and nobody isn't find the direct solution to the problem so why are the bees disappearing? The film" Vanishing of the bees " is a documentary centered on the occurrence of the disappearance of honey bees and from their beehives, this is considered as the colony collage disorder (CCD) which is known to be the majority of worker bees in a colony to disappear and leave the queen behind. The film shows the experience of farmers, scientist and the …show more content…

Early 2007 Scientist took part of a ask force to study the cause of what's killing the bees, they named the symptom Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) They assume that its part of a virus in the immune system that’s causing it inside of the hive. Many scientist ideas have led to the assumptions of other than virus's that may have caused CCD but the fertilization what's being put on crops, Dennis vanEngelsdrops claims that "A lot of the attention is based on the genetically modified crops which can cause poisoning to the bees". There are many possible causes that have been killing the colonies of these bees and research has shown that either the cause of it was from a certain virus in the immune system or the genetically modified crops, this solution hasn’t been resolved yet but the mystery still goes on from on going …show more content…

We know that this can lead to many possibilities of a crop crisis due to the lacking of bees pollinating from plant to plant. Farmers, Beekeepers and Researchers are finding the many possible ways to pin point CCD before they loose there bee farms or either there jobs, then again there research hasn't reached to a conclusion.

A simple honey bee is not just some ordinary bug, but a bug that has provided the types of fruits and vegetables we enjoy consuming, the documentary justifies that our honey bees won't last long due to "Colony Collapse Disorder" (CCD) with the research of our beekeepers and scientist have provided there can possibly be a way to resolve CCD and save our bees before a crop

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