Battle of Gettysburg

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The battle of Gettysburg was a turning point of the American civil war. On the morning of July 1, 1863 the battle began. After four days of bloody fighting the Confederates northern-invasion was stopped. As I stand in the field now covered in fog I wonder what has happened here. The grass now no longer green, stained with the blood of many. Men slaughtered and slain so that we could live free. Some one on the far end of the field cries out for help, but I can not bare walk over there and assist him. I am sure he is cut, beat, and broken but I can not look upon his face. As I walk I step on bodies. On the ground runs a river of blood. In the distance of fog a shadow emerges limping. Running over bodies and through the river of blood, I start crying as I rush to his side to help him. Wounded with a deep gash, still gushing blood, on his back from a brutal attack from the enemy, he collapses before I reach him. In his last breath he cries out in a loud clear voice so that all can hear, even the dead "We are victorious!" soon he is devoured by the fog and his blood runs with the rest ...

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