Awaiting Parenthood

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Awaiting Parenthood

Jason and I have been inseparable life-long friends. Jason met, fell in love and married Kelli right out of college. Jason and Kelli always had a dream of becoming parents. After many disheartening attempts at conceiving, they felt their dream would never come to fruition. That was when they decided to start foster parenting in order to fill a void in their life as well as to provide a safe and loving home to children in need. Jason and Kelli have taken in more than a dozen foster children over the past 10 years. Kaden, an intelligent and curious 2 year old, came into their life 1 year ago as a foster child. Kaden came from a horrific background, tainted with abuse and neglect, delivered by the hands of his biological mother, who is currently serving a life sentence in a state prison. He quickly bonded and thrived while being care for by Jason and Kelli. The couple immediately knew they were destined to be together with Kaden. Jason and Kelli were hoping to adopt Kaden, however, Kelli was tragically killed in an automobile accident. Jason felt the dream of adopting died along with his wife; never believing he would be approved for adoption being a single parent. I believe Jason would make an excellent candidate for adopting Kaden because of his financial stability, his involvement in the community by being an active volunteer for Big Brother’s, and by providing a loving home for Kaden over the past year.

Jason can more than adequately supply financial support needed for raising a child. Jason has owned and operated his lucrative financial planning business for over 15 years. His financial stability will more than provide for Kaden’s future necessities as well as recreational and educational needs, ensu...

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As you can see Jason would make an excellent choice as a parent. He will be raising Kaden in a financially secure home where he can provide for all his wants and needs. Jason is active in community service and volunteering, which will provide Kaden with a positive role model. Kaden being parented by Jason for the past year and a half would be living in a familiar, comfortable and safe environment. Allowing this adoption to proceed would be providing Kaden with a loving caring and competent father as well as providing Jason the opportunity to fulfill his and his late wife’s dream! I urge you to make the only right choice: Make Jason and Kaden; Father and son. Jason is awaiting parenthood.

Meezan, & Shireman, (1985a, 1985b). Benefits of foster parent adoption. Retrieved from

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