Automobile Accidents Caused by Cell Phones

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Every year, 25% of all automobile accidents are caused by operating a cell phone while driving (Ricks, Newsday). It is six times more dangerous than driving while intoxicated (Ricks, Newsday). People do not realize that the decision to text and drive affects not only the driver, but also endangers everyone around them. When a person decides to pick up their cell phone, they are no longer able to pay full attention to anything going on around them which gives them a slower reaction time. No text message is not worth the risks involved. Driving is a privilege and a responsibility, texting can wait. It is incredibly dangerous to operate a cell phone while driving because it creates a higher risk of death not only for the driver, but also for everyone around them. Texting and driving affects everyone whether they realize it or not. When the driver chooses to pick up their phone, they are taking their eyes off the road. They cannot see any hazardous situations going on around them. Using a mobile phone while driving decreases a person’s reaction time by five seconds (Ricks, 8 May 2013). It may not seem like a whole lot of time but when it comes to driving, every second counts. If a pedestrian was to walk out into the road, or the vehicle in front of them was to suddenly stop, the driver may not be able to react quickly enough to stop their vehicle. Texting and driving risks more lives than just that of the driver’s. Tassone 2 Every year there are approximately 1,600,000 automobile accidents involving the use of a cellular device. Of those accidents, only about 330,000 incidents result in injury. The issue of texting and driving appears to be a more pressing problem in the age range of sixteen... ... middle of paper ... ... of the most dangerous decisions a person can make. It is a choice that can affect anyone and can destroy a person’s life in a split second. Whether it be an innocent person who was at the wrong place at the wrong time, a car that was minding its own business, or the driver that gets harmed, its repercussions can have a huge impact on the lives involved. The risks are something that definitely outweigh the benefits of using a cell phone and driving. Too many people are either killed or injured from it every year and even every day. Actions have been made to prevent this decision by the enforcement of laws and punishments for breaking these laws. However, people can only influence someone so much. The choice ultimately comes down to the driver and his or her decision. Yet, the use of a cell phone is one of the most dangerous things a driver can do.

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