Augmented Reality and The Future of Multimedia

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What does “augmented reality” means? AR is the acronym for augmented reality. A rough definition of augmented is to maximize or change to a higher extent. Augmented reality, which is a type of virtual reality, basically means that the real-world environments are duplicated in a computer. A combination of reality and virtual scenes, created a composited view for the end-user which are generated by the computer. The computer with augmented reality system augments the real-world view or scene with additional information. The design of the virtual scene created by the computer is to improve the sensory perception of the user of the virtual world that they are interacting with or seeing. A system in which a user cannot differentiate between the real world and the virtual augmentation of the real world is the objective of augmented reality. In the world today, many industries are using augmented reality in their products or programs such as in the entertainment industry, robotics, engineering design, manufacturing, military trainings and other industries.

The History of Augmented Reality

Morton Heilig was the initial thinker for Virtual Reality (VR). The cinematographer experience that he had was applied and in over several years starting from the year 1957, he created the Sensorama, a motorcycle simulator, with the help of his partner. The Sensorama was patented in 1962. Four years later, in the year 1966, the head-mounted displays were invented by Ivan Sutherland. He suggested that it was a window into a virtual world. Videoplace, the name given to an artificial reality laboratory, was created by Myron Kruger in the mid 1970s. The idea that he had was to create an artificial reality that surrounds the users and...

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...ns that it will be fully functional as it was intended. Although we might not be able to predict the future, it is safe to say that augmented reality is the future of multimedia.

Works Cited

Stephen Cawood & Mark Fiala (2007). Augmented Reality: A Practical Guide

Usable Knowledge: Harvard Graduate School of Education. Retrieved October 10, 2011 from

Webopedia: Augmented Reality, Retrieved October 15, 2011 from

Wikipedia: Augmented Reality, Retrieved October 13, 2011 from

Augmented Reality - 5 Ways it Can Change Your World: Social Media Examiner. Retrieved October 25, 2011 from

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