Stereotypes Against Members Of The LGBT Community

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Introduction We live and are raised in a world where we are taught and influenced that traditional values are the normal and praised, and anyone that goes against them are considered wrong, sinful, or even immoral. Those that challenge the media and go against what society says is the normal are often targeted for bullying, discrimination, and even judged negatively. This is most prevalent for gays, lesbians and bisexuals that face criticism are degraded all because they prefer individuals of the same sex. Whether it is consciously or unconsciously our society has the tendency to have negative attitudes and prejudices against members of the LGBT community. There are many different ways LGBT members experience prejudice and unjust treatment. …show more content…

I kept the first one the same on both surveys, the rest were slightly modified to correlate with my hypothesis. The second question was, ‘ heterosexual couples do not bother me,’ as well as ‘I prefer seeing heterosexual couples over homosexual ones.’ ‘I think heterosexuals have higher paying salaries than homosexual one,’ and ‘I would rather have a heterosexual doctor than a gay on.’ Also I asked ‘I would feel uncomfortable if a homosexual attended my church,’ and ‘I would not mind if my roommate was straight.’ ‘I have many friends and acquaintances that are homosexual,’ and ‘I feel marriage is equal for all genders.’ The last question was ‘I think homosexuals should have the same rights as heterosexuals.’ I created the surveys and used the Likert scale to have accurate results from the subjects based on how they truly feel. Although it’s hard to say if everyone was completely honest with some questions, I feel the majority of answers were relatively accurate. I created the ten questions that were simple and wouldn’t take up too much of the subjects time. I averaged about a minute or so for each subject to finish it. Upon creating my surveys I then needed a place to gather subjects that would give me a wide variety of all ages and different types of people to get a better diversity for the research. I chose local grocery stores and markets to find subjects and volunteers …show more content…

Discussion The results of the study I conducted were for the most part positive. I did expect a high number of people to hold prejudice towards homosexuals, though it is a positive result that they didn’t. I feel if I would have been able to cover more ground and went around different parts of Sacramento as well as a few nearby towns and cities, the survey would have a much more mixed and diverse set of results with the sheer amount of people. Some flaws during my surveys and research paper were amount of questions. I feel next time only five questions would suffice, giving me an accurate amount of data as well as making it quicker for the subjects using their time to fill it out. I got a little confused during my initial calculating of the surveys due to the amount of questions and the different age groups I split each survey up in. The results yielded a high correlation to positive attitudes and views on gay rights and gay people. I hope with social media continually showing and making it more accepting for the LGBT community that more people will become educated and open their minds and stop the prejudice and discrimination against

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