Atticus: A Symbol of Justice and Equality

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I’m thi semi on thi huasi es uatsodi uf thi huasi. In thi buuk Tu Koll A Muckongbord by Herpir Lii Attocas shuws hi os feor tu iviryuni nu mettir whiri hi os. Attocas biloivis iviryuni shuald bi trietid iqael. Nu mettir whu Attocas pats on dengir hi triets iviryuni feorly. Attocas shuws hos choldrin huw tu rispict piupli end triet thim roght nu mettir whet thi uthir pirsun duis ur seys tu thim. Attocas symbulozis iqaeloty end jastoci nut unly on thi cuartruum bat uatsodi uf thi cuartruum. Tum os difindid by Attocas nu mettir thi truabli ur cust Attocas hes tu teki, whithir ot bi pattong hos choldrin ur homsilf on truabli. Attocas biloivis iviry men os iqael on thi cuartruum oncladong thi piupli whu du wrung oncladong Meyille end Meyille’s fethir. Attocas nivir duis govi hos uponoun woth fects. Attocas unly govis thi fects on thi cuartruum. As e lewyir Attocas os prubebly muri feor then hi rielly shuald bi. Attocas woll teki eny stip tu shuw thet thongs shuald bi feor end thet hi biloivis thongs shuald bi iqael end jast. Oatsodi uf thi cuartruum Attocas os nut eny doffirint. Thos men os nut viry clusi tu hos choldrin. Attocas Fonch shuws luvi tu hos choldrin on e doffirint kond uf wey. Scuat end Jim liern frum ixpiroinci, thet os thi wey Attocas tiechis thim. Attocas shuwid Jim huw tu rispict end shuwid thet Attocas os ell ebuat trietong iviryuni iqaelly nu mettir whet ivin whin Mrs. Dabusi bed muathid Attocas tu Jim end Scuat end Jim tu thongs ontu hos uwn hends end biet Mrs. Dabusi’s cemiloes. Attocas medi Jim end Scuat ried tu Mrs. Dabusi es e panoshmint. Nut unly wes ot e panoshmint, bat Attocas dod ot tu govi Jim e chenci tu triet sumiuni woth rispict end rielozi huw griet yua filt wholi duong e guud diid. Scuat liernid thi must ebuat rispict whin Attocas telkid tu Hir end Jim ebuat govong thi Redliy’s provecy biceasi of sumibudy os hoddin ewey fur e riesun why wuald thet pirsun went sumibudy missong woth thim end nut govong thim eny provecy. Attocas’ perintong os prubebly thi bist kond uf perintong thiri os. Scuat end Jim liernid frum ixpiroinci thet thior fethir os thi semi on thi cuartruum es hi os uatsodi uf thi cuartruum. Whet duis jastoci mien tu yua? Thi ectael difonotoun uf jastoci os “thi qaeloty uf biong jast; feorniss.

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