Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (also referred to as ADHD) is a common emotional and behavioural difficulty problem. According to the HADD Ireland Website (2014), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a medical/neurobiological condition in which the brains neurotransmitter chemicals, noradrenalin and dopamine do not work properly. ADHD is a disorder that without the correct detection, treatment and management can have considerable and long lasting effects and consequences for an individual. It is a genetic and long term condition which results in different learning and behavioural issues. ADHD is typically described as being made up of 3 main behaviours which include; Predominantly hyperactive; impulsive, poorly self-monitored behaviour, symptoms include - fidgeting and squirming in seat, often talking excessively, and extremely restless. Predominantly inattentive; problems of attention, distractibility, short term memory and learning. Symptoms include - easily distracted and slow to complete different tasks. Children with this behaviour type are less likely to act out or have difficulties getting along with other children. They often sit quietly, however, they may not be paying attention to what they are doing. Therefore, parents and teachers may fail to notice that the child has ADHD. Combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive. Symptoms of impulsiveness include -difficulty learning from consequences of their behaviour. Short fuses and often accident prone. This type is combined of hyperactive and inattentive. Most children with ADHD fall into this category of behaviours (National Institute of Mental Health Website 2014). ADHD can cause different problems for children, some of which include; forgetting thi... ... middle of paper ... ...Mental and Behavioural Disorders (World Health Organisation, 1992 cited in Dermot O'Reilly, 2005). These two systems were developing to their own accord until recently where an increase in the level of the interaction between them had resulted in the two converging their definitions. The Dimensions of Dysfunction Approach: The dimensions of dysfunction approach to the classification of child conduct problems identifies the degree to which a child's behaviour varies from that of a normative comparison group. This approach is characterised by the use of behavioural checklists. As stated by O'Reilly (2005), a diagnosis of Conduct Disorder requires the presence of a pattern of behaviour which is repetitive and persistent and which involves the violation either of the rights of other or of social rules, as well as impaired social, academic or occupational functioning.

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