Essay About Love and Commandment Number Six in The Great Gatsby

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Love and Commandment Number Six in The Great Gatsby

In the story The Great Gatsby, the word love is used a great deal. But of all the times, is it ever used in the proper and true manner? The story makes you think a great deal about love, marriage, and in a way relationship with God. By relationships with
God I mean, that in the commandments, number six, is thou shall not commit adultery.
First of all, Tom and Daisy are married so they should be loyal and faithful to each other, especially because of the fact they have a daughter. However in the story we find out that this is not true at all. First of all, in chapter one we find out that Tom has another girlfriend and has been seen around with or more than one occasion by different people.
Then in chapter two we find more about Tom and his girlfriend as we get to meet Myrtle for the first time in the story. Myrtle is the person who Tom has been sneaking around with. We find out that Tom and Myrtle do not like the people they are married to but for some reason or another they do not want to leave the other person. However Tom is not the only one to blame because we find out later that Daisy and Gatsby at one time were really close. We also find out that Daisy is the object of Gatsby’s desire and will do anything to get her back, because he loves her that much. Also as the story continues we find out that Daisy is prepared to move in with Gatsby except for one minor detail. That minor detail is their daughter and the feelings that Daisy has for her. That is probably the first and only mention of what is right in the whole story in terms of love.
As far and Daisy and Tom go they need to put their personal problems behind and worry about their daughter first. No matter how they feel about each other or how they feel about anyone else their daughter should be first priority. It makes you wonder if they fully understand what is going on in life around them. It is also curios to wonder what kind of virtues they were taught when they were young. Virtues like if they were taught to

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