My Ex-Girlfriend

796 Words2 Pages

I’ve been thinking about my then-girlfriend recently. She’s not my girlfriend now, of course, but she was then. Then was a different time, when children frolicked in the pastures and lambs gamboled, too, although neither children nor lambs were mine. Come to think of it, neither were the pastures, but things were freer then, you could walk through the countryside without owning it, without worrying about someone with a shotgun chasing you away, making you move at a much faster pace than a mere gambol.

So you begin to see why in thinking about my then-girlfriend, with whom I had so many fond memories, I have begun to feel a little nostalgic.

“My then-girlfriend.” It rolls trippingly off the tongue, doesn’t it? My. Then. Girlfriend. Of course, back then, the concept of “my then-girlfriend” had never even occurred to me, wasn’t even in the realm of possibility. There was no then-ness to my existence then, or to hers. We were now. It is etern...

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...nds over the years. But the good thing about that, come to think of it, is that even if she’s obese by now, my then-girlfriend is not. And never will be. My then-girlfriend exists only in our memories and will exist only the way she was then.

That’s one of the things that keep me going. I look down at the scar on my right knee, where that dangerously jagged rock got me that afternoon so many years ago, and I think about her. My then-girlfriend. Perfect, or close enough.

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