Janie Crawford’s Quest in Their Eyes Were Watching God

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Janie Crawford’s Quest in Their Eyes Were Watching God

Janie Crawford, the main character of Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were

Watching God, strives to find her own voice throughout the novel and, in my

opinion, she succeeds even though it takes her over thirty years to do it. Each

one of her husbands has a different effect on her ability to find that voice.

Janie discovers her will to find her voice when she is living with Logan.

Since she did not marry him for love, tensions arise as time moves on and Logan

begins to order her around. But Janie is young and her will has not yet been

broken. She has enough strength to say "No" and to leave him by running away

with Joe. At this point, Janie has found a part of her voice, which is her not

willing to be like a slave in her husband's hands.

After Janie marries Joe, I think that she discovers that he is not the

person she thought he was. He tells her what to do the same way Logan did, just

a little bit more delicately by saying that it is not a woman's job to do

whatever he does not want her to do. Throughout her twenty years of life with

Joe, Janie loses her self-consciousness because she becomes like a little kid

being told what to do by an adult, Joe. She does it without even questioning

herself, which is why I think that she loses the part of her voice that she has

discovered by running away from Logan. At times, she has enough courage to say

no to Joe, but he always has something to say back that discourages Janie from

continuing her argument. But, in my opinion, Janie does not lose her will to

find herself and it might have even become stronger because the reader can see

that Janie is not happy with the way things are now and that she will probably

want to change them in the future.

When Joe dies and Janie marries Tea Cake, she feels free because even

though Tea Cake asks for her opinion when he does something and cares about her.

Since this is Janie's first marriage where she actually loves her husband, she

feels free and discovers many new things in life that she has not noticed before.

She becomes more sociable, wants to go places with Tea Cake, enjoys working

with other people, and likes shooting game. Although she never shot a rifle

before, she becomes a better shooter that Tea Cake, and he respects her for that,

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