America Must Abort the Handicapped

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Everyday there are pregnant mothers who abuse drugs and alcohol totally

ignoring the living, growing person inside them. Then, when these children are

born, they are usually born with a drug addiction or birth defects which

sometimes leads to death. One thing's for sure, these children's lives are

greatly complexed before they even reach the light of day. Which leads to my

position that the rights of the child should be extended to the unborn. A

mother should not have the right to use drugs or drink alcohol while she is

pregnant, it is unfair for the child not to even have a chance for a normal life.

If a mother beat her baby and was reported to the child welfare board

they would be thrown in jail without a second thought, but just because a child

is not yet born doesn't that mean that a mother can do anything she wants to it.

Take a child who has been born, then goes through the pain of having an abusive

parent. If the parents are exposed to the authorities they will go to jail and

lose the rights to the child, and with proper counseling and therapy the child

will live a normal life. Yet, if the child is unborn, the mother can do

whatever she would like, even if it means harming the baby and the authorities

can do nothing. When the baby is born, the child might have irreparable brain

damage or some physical defect and would not be able to live a normal life, for

the rest of it's life. The abuse that the unborn child goes through is the same

as if it was born but the severity is much greater, and nothing can be done. To

me, this is child abuse of the worst kind. An unborn child is getting abused

with drugs, alcohol, or whatever the mother may be ingesting, and the child is

unable to defend itself. If the child was born it could call someone for help,

but an unborn child cannot speak and therefore needs someone to speak for it in

case of any danger that might come to it.

Our unborn children should have the same rights as any living person.

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