Comparing Portrayal of Women in One Hundred Years of Solitude and The House of the Spirits

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Portrayal of Women in One Hundred Years of Solitude and The House of the Spirits

The portrayal of women in the novels One Hundred years of Solitude

and The House of the Spirits differs greatly. In One Hundred Years of

Solitude empowerment comes only through age, for instance Ursula Iguaran,

the matriarch of the Buendia family and to some extent Macondo, or through

strength of sexuality, for instance Pilara Tenera the 'sexual matriarch' of

Macondo. This is in contrast with The House of the Spirits where

empowerment comes also through force of conviction, as seen with Nivea, and

also through commercial enterprise as seen with Transito Soto. These women

represent Allende's own brand of feminism Furthermore those women who

accept a traditional role of subservience and remain staunch in their

conservatism are shown to finish their days alone and mostly forgotten as

is seen with Ferula and Nana.

As the novels were set in first half of the

twentieth century in Latin America, the role of women in the social

hierarchy of this backdrop is worthy of consideration. This was a

patriarchal society where men of whatever age were always superior in

standing to women. As a woman aged, her position in the social hierarchy

would increase. Furthermore women had few career choices; all were linked

to some form of domestic service whether solely as a wife and mother or as

a nanny or a combination. Religion played a very important role in this

predominantly catholic area. The role of women as portrayed by the church

was somewhat of a paradox, simultaneously acknowledging and praising women

for the gift of child bearing and yet depicting them as the root of all sin,

as the temptress inducing thoughts of fornication as well as causing the

original sin, that being Adam eating the fruit in the 'Garden of Eden'.

Despite Marquez's well documented anticlericalism this idea in

church ideology of the temptress is paralleled in One Hundred Years of

Solitude albeit the figure of Eve in her roles is split between the

matriarchs of Macondo namely Pilar Tenera and Ursula Iguaran. In the

beginning of One hundred years of solitude: "The world was so recent that

many things lacked names, and in order to indicate them it was necessary to

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