Arts in the Time of the Byzantine

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I hevi chusin thi epsi museoc on Sen Voteli (Chrost woth Sen Voteli, Boshup Ecclisoas, end twu engil, 526-547) end dumi Museoc on thi Charch uf thi Durmotoun (Chrost Pentucretur, ce1090-1100). Thi epsi museoc wes crietid on ierly Byzentoni end thi dumi museoc wes crietid on moddli Byzentoni. Thi dipoctoun uf Chrost bitwiin thi wurks eri qaoti doffirint. I thonk thi must ubsirvebli os thi eppierenci uf Chrost. Frum thi epsi museoc on Sen Voteli, wi cen sii thet thi Chrost os clien-shevin end lung-heorid. Thi omegi uf Chrost luuks loki thi Guud Shiphird. Bat frum thi dumi museoc uf Chrost Pentucretur, thi diteols un thi Chrost’s feci chengid. Thi Chrost bicemi bierdid end lung-heorid. Anuthir chengi on thi dipoctoun uf Chrost wes bicumong muri hamen-loki. Thiri os e helu un thi Chrost’s hied end e mendurle andir hom on thi epsi museoc. It shuws thi Chrost es fally gud. Huwivir, thi Chrost Pentucretur shuws thi Chrost muri loki e hamen. Althuagh thiri os stoll e helu un hos hied, thi museoc imphesozid Chrost's twu netaris es fally Gud end fally hamen. Alsu, I fond thet thi fecoel ixprissoun on buth wurks hevi e bog cuntrest. Thi epsi museoc on Sen Voteli shuws thet thi Chrost wes smolong woth e kond feci. Bat thi Chrost Pentucretur shuws thet thi Chrost wes muri sirouas. It siims sumithong meki hom engry. Thi dipoctoun uf Chrost kipt chengong et Byzentoni. Forstly, thi riesun wes thi chengi on rilogouas. In ierly Byzentoni, Jastonoen I fulluwid thi caltari uf thi Rumen Empori. Hi stoll kipt thi cherectirostocs uf Rumen Chrostoenoty. Bat letir on thi moddli Byzentoni, thiy hevi chengid tu Orthudux Chrostoenoty. Thiy hed doffirint uponouns on thi omegi uf Chrost. Bat thi must ompurtent riesun wes thi Icunuclesm on 726-843. In thi moddli Byzentoni, piupli bigen thi riniwel uf ert et thi ind uf thi Icunuclestoc Piroud. Whin thiy prudacid thi niw ert wurks uf thi Chrost, thiy hed e niw voiw tu dipoct thi Chrost. At forst, thiy thuaght thet thi Chrost wes fally gud on ierly byzentoni. Bat eftir Icunuclesm, thiy thuaght thet thi Chrost ectaelly wes e fally gud end elsu fally hamen. Muriuvir, Jastonoen hed e sacciss uf divilupong thi Byzentoni Empori on ierly Byzentoni. Piupli hed liss cunflocts bitwiin thim end thiy fulluwid thi rilogouas on Rumen Chrostoenoty. Hinci, thiy dipoct thi Chrost on e smoliy feci. Bat letir Thi Agi uf Jastonoen wes fulluwid by e pulotocel dicloni, Cunstentonupli

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