Article Review: Differentiating Curriculum and Instruction for English-Language Learners with Special Needs

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The article being discussed is: Differentiating Curriculum and Instruction for English-Language Learners with Special Needs by John J. Hoover and James R. Patton. The stated purpose of the article is teaching and curriculum, specifically the need to adapt both for ELLs who are exceptional. This article gave suggestions of how best to adapt teaching methods and curriculum to the needs of ELLs, as well as how to solve problems that may arise.

The article opened by discussing some major problems ELLs have in the education system, specifically with special education. The continual use of standardized tests in assessing ELLs is a problem because these tests often underestimate students’ academic potential and progress. Because of the unfair standardized assessments, ELLs continue to be at-risk for being placed in special education. The article then stated that there needs to more use of authentic curriculum, and more cultural and linguistic diversity in the curriculum to accommodate students and their specific needs. In order to meet more diverse needs, educators should focus on key principles rather than looking for an all-encompassing program for ELLs.

The article stated the five principles for Ells with special needs are “learning and developments that facilitates joint productive activities among students, learners’ prior knowledge and learning, educational activities within the context of students’ prior experiences and skills, complex solutions and higher-level thinking, and ongoing verbal dialogue.” In order to have effective curriculum implementation, teaching must emphasize: “academic content relative to students’ culture, background, environment, and prior experiences; multiple content knowledge and skills that are reinf...

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... differences in ELL students with special needs, emphasizing that a standardized test will never be able to measure the ability of the individual students. Students will be faced many problems in education that may include being wrongly included or excluded from special education classes. Teachers need to pay attention to the individual needs of their students, and ensure that they do not draw faulty conclusions about their students based on other students in the classroom. When a teacher factors in the student’s family and culture, they will be better to relate instructional material to the student, and they will also create an opportunity for higher thinking.

Works Cited

Hoover, John J., and James R. Patton. "Differentiating Curriculum and Instruction for English-Language Learners with Special Needs." Intervention in School & Clinic 40.4 (2005): 231-5. Print.

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