Arthur Boo Radley in Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird

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There is no law without justice yet "…it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." (chp 10). In E. Harper Lee's The Mocking Bird, Sheriff Tate is forced with the challenge of deciding whether or not to cover up Bob Ewell's death in the children's defense. In the story, he decides to "…Let the dead bury the dead." (chp 30). Sherriff Tate's choice to cover up for Arthur 'Boo' Radley is the right choice because Boo Radley did the morally right thing, the situation would be a waste of resources, and it would have brought unwanted commotion to the town.

"Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don't eat up people's gardens, don't nest in corncribs, they don't do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." (chp 10). Scout and Jem were minding their own business and enjoying their time but Mr. Ewell obstructed them. Scout and Jem were just as harmless as the mockingbirds while providing the community their friendly company. Mr. Ewell was a lethal threat to the children, and had attacked them out of hatred from Atticus. Boo noticed the children's need of help and with good moral intentions, engaged Bob in combat. Mr. Tate comments on how "I [he] never heard tell that it's against the law for a citizen to do his utmost to prevent crime from being committed…" (chp 30). Sheriff Tate, who understands the law and is an enforcer of it agrees on how Boo handled the situation without breaking the law. Boo risked his life and even more of his bad reputation to save the children. Law-abiding heroes should be treated with regard and respect not a trial and possible jail sentence. Mr. Ewell's intentions were illegal and what he had done to harm the black community has be...

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...n. Boo is a human being as well, not a selfless killing machine. Boo's heroic act should be rewarded and if he prefers the solitude of home, so shall it be.

It is evident that Arthur "Boo" Radley is a free innocent man. The supposed monster of the community has risen out of his quiet domain to save the children. Bob Ewell was looking to do lethal harm and his plan has been thwarted. Officer Tate understood Boo's reputation around the community and decided to hush Mr. Ewell's death to stop future implications. Hard work does not come from anywhere and putting an innocent man in the box would be wasting community resources and time. Boo did the morally right thing and he put his life on the line to defend the children. Arthur "Boo" Radley was a hero that day and Officer Tate covering up for him was the least he could do.

Works Cited

To Kill a Mockingbird

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