The Art of Storytelling

735 Words2 Pages

Storytelling embodies the art of human communication in all cultures around the world. This art has been passed down through generations as myths, fables, and legends. Many of these tales have similar plots, settings, and characters, even in different regions around the world. Storytelling evokes the emotion of all human beings through compelling tales of wonder, mystery, adventure, and horror. Storytelling also develops higher level thinking skills and establishes social skills. Storytelling builds self-esteem and motivation because this skill allows the listeners to be actively involved in the story. Storytelling develops communication abilities, expands the imagination, and builds self-esteem. The art of storytelling helps develop the skills that are necessary for effective public speaking. Through repetition of storytelling, storytellers discover the importance of dramatic interpretation and clear expression. Storytelling will also enable storytellers to improve their communication abilities around other people, which include co-workers, friends, and family. Storytellers can improve their self-esteem because they will be able to feel more comfortable after telling stories to several audiences. Storytelling enhances communication skills that are necessary to interact with public audiences. Storytelling also expands listening skills that are essential to storytelling. Stories are able to stretch the creative imagination and attention span of the audience. The listeners’ cre...

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... which creates clear and flowing prose. After telling their tales to several audiences, storytellers are also able to improve their editing skills based on the feedback that their audiences give them. Storytelling is a powerful method and concept to inspire and motivate better writing. The art of storytelling can expand the imagination, enhance communication skills, improve literary comprehension, and develop writing capacity. Storytelling evokes all of the emotions of human feeling through the fascinating tales of adventure, mystery, and horror. Storytelling enhances communication and writing abilities through repetition and motivation. Finally, storytelling is how society is able to relate and communicate with cultures from around the world. Storytelling is a fundamental device to pass on accounts of human action to future generations.

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