Argentina During and After Videla's Regime

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Economically speaking, Argentina was at the verge of collapse despite its initial strong stability seen at the beginning of Videla’s regime. Argentina adapted a neo-liberal economic system; in addition their initial policies of liberating trade and eliminating price controls were just some policies that would create huge economic problems for Argentina at the time. In order to make up for liberating domestic trade and eliminating price controls control had to be implemented to ensure that the regime had full control of the economic situation which was at stake as a result of the adoption of these polices. Wages in Argentina were lowered which resulted in “real wage well below historical levels” (Nogues). Although this was successful in reducing inflation at first this in time also cause inflation to rise relatively high. As a result of this high inflation that occurred as a result of this police, he Argentinian regime entered a panic and implemented other policies to try to amend this problem, policies that resulted contradictory since these polices hindered the success of one another. The reintroduction of price and exchange controls along with the already implemented wage controls all lead up to “inconsistent policy behavior” (Nogues).The inconsistencies in economic policies lead the Central Bank to classify “perceived capital inflows as being inflationary, and financial controls to be ineffective” (Nogues). Immediately after Argentina’s military regime was over the newly reinstated democratic government kept its neoliberal economic system and was praised for doing so. Many organizations claimed that Argentina would be the country that would lead other Latin American countries into the future through its use of neoliberal pol... ... middle of paper ... ...o J. “The Nature of Argentina’s Policy Reforms During 1976-81”. World Bank (Washington, D.C., U.S.A.) 765: 1-60. 1 Jan. 1986. Web. Schamis, Hector E. , Eduardo Posada-Carbó, Arturo Valenzuela, Lucía Dammert, Cynthia McClintock, Matthew Cleary, Christopher Sabatini, and Eric Farnsworth. "A “Left Turn” in Latin America?." Journal of Democracy 17: 21-34. Proquest. Web. 28 Apr. 2014. The Washington Post. "A Dictator's Double Standard; Augusto Pinochet tortured and murdered. His legacy is Latin America's most successful country." The Washington Post 12 Dec. 2006: n. pag. Print. Warren, Michael. "Jorge Rafael Videla, 87, Argentina dictator took power in 1976 coup ." Chicago Sun-Times 18 May 2013: n. pag. Print. Yates, Julian S. and Bakker, Karen. "Debating the 'post-neoliberal turn' in Latin America." Progress in Human Geography, Vol. 38, No.1 (2014): 29. Web

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