Are People Able To Use The Internet To Contribute Substantially To Their Health And Well-Being?

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The internet empowers people to seek health information and play a larger role in their diagnosis and treatment. A survey done by found that eighty six percent of internet users said they were scanning the web for healthcare and disease-specific information. This is greatly higher than in 1999, which was seventy one percent (Binshan Lin 28). The results show that patients are becoming more knowledgeable about their health and seek to become partners in their care. The internet is revolutionizing healthcare as we know it. Consumers can now access health information, medical records and even speak to a physician online. Information previously reserved for healthcare professionals is now accessible to consumers. They are more satisfied with the internet than traditional media too. Forty nine percent are very satisfied with online health information versus twenty five percent with magazines/newspapers and thirteen percent for television (Bard 47). The patient empowerment movement created by the internet underscores disorder specific websites and chat rooms. A century ago is was hard for patients with unusual conditions to find other people with similar problems. Now the internet makes it much easier. Patients can type their disorder into a search engine and quickly access many sites on their specific condition. They can also access chat rooms, receive electronic mail, and join a community where they can share opinions, discuss certain treatments and talk about their personal experiences (Oro). It provides emotional support and practical advice (Challenges). Some patients are even obtaining information to check the qualifications of their health care providers. Additionally, the internet provides convenience... ... middle of paper ... ...A Vehicle of Change." American Business Review. Jun. 2000: 27-33. "Challenges and Opportunities." Networking for Betting Care: Healthcare in the Information Age, The Benton Foundation. May 1999. Mar. 2004 . Goldstein, Douglas, E. "EHealthcare Predictions, Trends and Tactics for the Next 10 Years." 2002. Aspen Publishers. Mar 2004 . Lando, Laura. "Living With Change --- The Decision Is Yours: Doctors are starting to embrace information technology -- and it's changing their relationship with patients." Wall Street Journal. Oct. 1999: R.13. Oro, John, ed. "EHealthcare News." University of Missouri Healthcare. Apr. 2000 . "Patient Empowerment Improves Treatment." Cable News Network, AnnieApplesSeedProject. Sep. 2000. Mar. 2004 <>. Solovitch, Sara. "The Citizen Scientists." Wired Magazine. Sep. 2001.

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