Are adolescents with abusive parents at a greater risk of abusing drugs or alcohol?

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Recent studies have shown the number of people receiving alcohol and drug treatments may have been abused as a child (Cohen & Densen-Gerber, 1982). Data collected from 178 patients seeking drug/alcohol treatment determined that 84% of the patients have a history of being abused as a child (ibid). Young adults who are physically assaulted or sexually assaulted, been witnesses to violence, or who have family members with an alcohol or drug problem have an increased risk for current substance abuse or dependence (Malinosky & Hansen, 1993; Duncan, Saunders, Kilpatrick, Hanson, & Resnick, 2010; Marcencko, Kemp, & Larson, 2010). The purpose of this research is to determine if children who are abused physically or emotionally as a child will develop drug or alcohol habits or addictions as an adult. Findings are expected to a positive correlation between children who are abused and the future drug habits that may form because of this previous abuse. Surveys will be handed out to collect data; surveys will be given to 50 people at Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School, in St. Catharines, Ontario. Limitations of this research that will affect the outcome are the very limited sample groups, as the sample size of this research is only 50 students. Another limitation will be the students being unwilling to reveal if they have been abused or have developed substance use issues.

Review of the Literature


Recent studies have shown more than 1 million children in the United States experience some form of abuse or neglect (Widom & Hiller-Sturmhöfel, 2001). Child abuse is a common type of violence that is associated with alcohol or drug use and abuse, either as a result of the abuse or a causing factor (ibid). Ac...

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