Applied Behavior Analysis

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Applied behavior Analysis (ABA) is the scientific application of set principals of operant behavior that branch off of the behaviorism philosophical approach of behavior. The core principals of Applied Behavior Analysis are to target an individual’s behavior for change that has a real life application for the individual. Moreover, of Applied Behavior Analysis seeks to discover the environmental variables that influence the individual behavior while simultaneously demonstrates a functional relationship between the manipulated environmental behavior and the target behavior. The main subset of Applied Behavior Analysis is “Stimulus, Operant conditioning, positive reinforcement and punishment and consequences” Stimulus is events and the relationship it has on the Individual Behavior. The relationship of stimulus can be revealed through a method behavior analyst call the ABCs analysis. The more formal term for this method is called “Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence” analysis. The stimulus is represented by the antecedent (events prior to the occurred, behavior) and the Consequence. (Events that precedes a behavior). Behavior Analysis believes these are imperative to understanding behavior and the influence of events. Furthermore, the term operant conditioning behavior corresponds to the stimuli of the consequence. Moreover, the Consequence that precedes a behavior can be positive or negative. The significance of these stimuli is the ability to influence and affect the contingency of the individual target behavior. The main dynamic of Applied Behavior Analysis is it capacity of being able to measuring Behavior. Behavior is described as “The dead Man Rule” (If a dead man can do it than it is not a behavior, the behavior must be obs... ... middle of paper ... Autism Therapy.Retrieved from Suggested reading: “None of the As in ABA Stand for Autism: Dispelling the Myths” Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, by Dillenburger, K., and Keenan M., published in 2009, summarized Nov 19, 2009 “The Benefits of Skinner's Analysis of Verbal Behavior for Children with Autism” Behav Modif., by Sundberg, ML, and Michael J., published in 2001, summarized Oct 19, 2006 “Treatment of Autism in Young Children: Behavioral Intervention and Applied Behavior Analysis:Infants & Young Children, by Jensen, VK, and Sinclair LV, published in 2002, summarized Oct 19, 2006 “The Contribution of Applied Behavior Analysis to the Education of People with Autism” Behav Modif., by Rosenwasser, B., and Axelrod S., published in 2001, summarized Oct 19, 2006

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