Application Essay for PhD

730 Words2 Pages

Statement of Purpose

My interest in linguistics began with my undergraduate studies when I majored in linguistics and translation in the department of English and Translation at Qassim University, Saudi Arabia. After graduation, I pursued my master’s degree in linguistics at the University of Florida. Having my master’s degree, I have applied to the PhD in Linguistics at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee for the Fall 2014 semester.

My academic linguistics background has grown significantly during my undergraduate and graduate studies. As an undergraduate, the linguistics courses I studied while earning my bachelor’s degree introduced me to the linguistics world and motivated me to pursue my graduate studies in linguistics. The program included the theoretical core courses: Syntax, Semantics, Morphology, Phonology, and Phonetics and other applied linguistics courses such as Sociolinguistics, Second Language Acquisition and Discourse Analysis. I was fascinated by and good at linguistics in general and theoretical linguistics in particular.

Further development and more greatly impact on my linguistics knowledge has occurred during pursuing my master’s degree in linguistics at the University of Florida. I intensively studied linguistics and explored its fields in-depth. The core courses in that program were Phonology, Morphology and Syntax. Moreover, I enrolled in theoretical and applied linguistics courses, which familiarized me with advanced materials and essential experiences in conducting original research. In applied linguistics, I studied Second Language Acquisition and Sociolinguistics and applied English Grammar. In theoretical linguistics, I took two advanced courses in syntax to investigate core areas of researc...

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...tics at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee would match my research interests perfectly. My interest in Arabic syntax matches Professor Ouali’s who is interested in Arabic syntax and comparative syntax. He has worked on areas that attract my interest like agreement, tense system among others and has investigated several topics in Arabic syntax. Therefore, I would be honored to work him. Without a doubt, having the opportunity to work with the Department’s faculty in my Ph.D. will enable me to succeed in my academic future. The knowledge and the expertise that I will gain through coursework and participation in research projects will add to the solid linguistics research background that my academic and career goals require me to achieve. In addition, I would be delighted to contribute to the department and be an active member in the department’s activities.

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